eStatements for Business

happy woman in office

Another piece of paper to stow away in your overstuffed filing cabinets? Not with eStatements. Rather than waste labor searching for past statements and storing new ones, simply go online and enjoy full access to your account statements.

By going paperless you are not only protecting the environment, but you are also reducing the risk of fraudsters accessing your company’s private information.

There are lots of reasons to enroll in eStatements:

  • You’ll save paper and help Arize go green
  • Your account information will stay secure in online banking with password protection
  • You’ll be reminded when your new statement is available by a quick email from Arize
  • Avoid paper storage hassles and time spent searching for past statements
  • Easily print or download your statement securely to your computer

Sign up for eStatements simply by logging into Arize Online Banking. From there, select eStatement options under the Info Center.

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Due to inclement weather, all Arize branches will open at 12:00 pm on Thursday, February 6th. Telephone, online, and mobile banking will be available. Stay safe if you need to travel.